RHI has successfully solved some exciting challenges for our clients including customized delivery logistics, QC monitoring, social gifting, eCommerce, video streaming, iOS gaming and more. 

Delivery Logistics @ Hillebrand

Warehouse management and route planning for the delivery of wine and spirits to restaurants and bars.

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QC Monitoring @ Dolby

Post-manufacturing test-and-verification dashboard for HD Reference Monitors used by the Digital Film Industry.


Social Gifting @ Walmart.com

Use Facebook and Twitter social data to help you find and buy gifts for your family and friends.


iOS Gaming @ Inedible

A gesture-based game for Apple iPhone. Trended on the App Store’s Top-10 Game List for about a year.


eCommerce @ Sifteo

Web Store and App Store experience for a tactile, gesture-based gaming platform.


Video Streaming @ First on Mars

One of the first streaming-TV social networks.
