Working collaboratively and in the spirit of innovation our team connects amazing ideas with solid engineering. Valuing integration we bring together awesome software developers from various industry backgrounds who bring an array of transferable and complimentary skills to our projects.     

Fred Zirdung

Lead Architect and Founder

Combining over 20 years of experience designing large scale software systems with 8 years curriculum building, teaching and mentoring the software engineering craft, Fred knows what it takes to create beautiful, elegant code with clear reasoning.  With a unique ability to assess, design, implement, delegate and empower, Fred orchestrates an international team of developers passionate about building meaningful, impactful software.  Together they are blazing a new path in web development that propels engineering norms and fuels new team collaboration models.   


Dan Thareja

Full-Stack Engineer and Project Lead

Dan Thareja is a full-stack software engineer with over six years of experience. Using tools like React, Vue, Node.js, and Ruby on Rails, Dan is an expert in developing modern web solutions across various industries.


Brent Northey

Lead UI Engineer and UX Designer

Brent Northey has over 16 years of experience designing and building user experiences that delight users on both desktop and mobile devices. His focus is on business applications with deep attention to detail and user workflow.

Alex Gurovich

Sr. Software Engineer

20 years of experience working as backend developer and software architect in both large enterprise applications and mvps.
Linux Fan and devops wanna be over AWS and google cloud. TDD enthusiast working with great tools such as circle.cj, jenkins and continuous delivery/integration. Focused on best practices, clean code and agile methodologies.

Nick Denietolis

Software Engineer

Nick is a certified sommelier and ten year veteran of the fine dining industry. A serial hobbyist, you're just as likely to find him fixing up a vintage motorcycle as sewing a quilt.

Shane Dollinger

Product Manager

Shane Dollinger is a graduate of Washington University Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Art. Shane’s background making and iterating for art brings a unique perspective to the development process, and to the end user experience.

Jenné Vargas

Project Manager

Connecting dots and creating processes that rock Jenné creatively implements projects and provides written content for in-house and external communications. With over a decade of executive leadership support behind her, combined with her background in small business development, she enjoys contributing to and facilitating the organizational visions of senior leaders.